Serving spoon L

This item comes machine washed and hand polished.
Each item is individually checked before delivery.

If you want to return it, simply put it back in the container.
You can return all of our items unwashed.
The provision and cleaning is included in the tableware rental.

CHF 1.80

While stocks last! direct shipping

Rental price for: 1 - 4 days (or Fri. - Mon.)

Weight 0.112 kg

32 cm

Shortcoming price

CHF 45.00

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The serving spoon - perfect service at the buffet

With the generous serving spoon, delicious dishes such as casseroles, vegetable dishes and classic side dishes can safely find their way onto the plate. Thanks to the simple, timeless design, the serving spoon fits perfectly into existing cutlery. The spoon recess is expansive and round so that food can be easily picked up and served.