Fondue Chinoise/Bourguignonne

This rental item is machine washed and hand polished.
Each item is individually checked before delivery.

When returning, simply put it back in the container.
You can return all of our items unwashed.
The provision and cleaning of our rental tableware is included in the tableware rental.

CHF 14.40

While stocks last! direct shipping

Rental price for: 1 - 4 days (or Fri. - Mon.)

Weight 0.96 kg
Shortcoming price

CHF 82.00

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Fondue Chinoise/Bourguignonne for convivial cooking and enjoyment With the Fondue Chinoise/Bourgignonne you can prepare tasty meat or fish dishes and spend cozy moments at the dining table. The special advantages of a Fondue Chinoise/Bourguignonne are that the dishes are cooked gently in a bouillon and have a spicy taste. You can easily rent the cookware and receive a meat fondue pan and a rechaud including a saucer. Please rent fuel paste and the desired number of fondue forks separately.